
The Islamic Center of Maneville (ICM) is supported by membership dues and financial donations made by the community. If you are not already a member of our Center consider joining us today.

  • Membership Benefits

    Membership has many benefits, including:
    • Islamic Weekend School tuition at a discounted rate.

    • Rental of the Mirror Hall at a discounted rate.

    • Rental of the Gym Hall or multipurpose recreational building at a discounted rate.

    • Priority registration in sports activities.

    • Priority purchase of Eid parking passes.

    • Periodic mailing of newsletters and event flyers.

    • General Body meeting.

    • Voting rights to elect Board of Trustees members.

  • Membership Rules

    Following are the membership rules:
    • Any Muslim, 18 years or older, can become a member by applying for membership and paying annual dues.

    • This membership is valid for one year from the date of application approval. Membership must be renewed every year.

    • Membership dues must be paid in advance for a year's membership or be on automatic payment plan.

    • Voting rights are available to all members who have completed their paid membership for one year. Members elect part of the Center's executive board.

    • Membership is open only to legal residents of USA (only permanent residents and US Citizens can vote).

  • Membership Fees

    • Platinum $750.00
      Automatic Deduction ($65/month)

    • Gold $500.00
      Automatic Deduction ($45/month)

    • Silver $250.00
      Automatic Deduction ($25/month)

  • Payment Method

    Membership fee may be paid all at one time or in monthly installments. ICM accepts checks, credit cards, and automatic deductions. Note the following:
    • If writing a check, make it payable to Islamic Educational Council.

    • If using automatic withdrawal, submit a void check to the ICM to authorize payment.